The Trustees of the Urantia Foundation extend greetings to the officers of the Urantia Brotherhood, to the delegates, to the General Councilors, and to other Brotherhood members who are present on this happy occasion of the third Triennial Delegate Assembly.

Since it has been our continuing practice to remain in close contact with the Urantia Brotherhood and its members, we wish to take this opportunity to issue once again a brief explanation in printed form of our function and activities which we hope will anticipate any questions you may have, as well as serve as a restate¬ment of our position and views on various matters.

Urantia Foundation — Urantia Brotherhood;

We believe it well once again to emphasize the differences between Urantia Foundation and Urantia Brotherhood, as even members of the Brotherhood of some long standing continue to confuse one with the other.

The Foundation (a tax-exempt, common-law trust) was created January 11, 1950 at the direction of the Revelatory Commission, and was given the custody of the plates inscribed with the text of the Urantia Book. The Foundation's principal object — which object is shared by each of the Trustees — is set out in Article II of the Declaration of Trust* and may be briefly summarized as the planning for the spreading of the teachings of the Urantia Book among the peoples of the world, all the while remaining ever vigilant as to the necessity of perpetually preserving inviolate the text of the Urantia Book. To these ends the Urantia Foundation holds the United States and International copyrights of the Urantia Book. The symbol of three blue concentric circles on a white background and the name "Urantia" are registered trademarks. We are in the process of registering the symbol and i name in all countries.

The Urantia Brotherhood was organized by the Trustees of the Urantia Foundation under the direction and guidance of the governing planetary authorities. The organization officially came into existence on January 2, 1955. The purpose of the Urantia Brotherhood is the study and dissemination of the teachings of the Urantia Book, and it was for these purposes that Urantia Foundation appointed the Urantia Brotherhood to act as the distributor of the Urantia Book with the assistance of the Urantia Brotherhood Corporation, the legal and fiscal arm of Urantia Brotherhood.

It should be apparent then, that Urantia Foundation is not beholden to Urantia Brotherhood or any other organization connected with the Urantia Book.

The Urantia Foundation is separate and distinct. Of the Urantia Book, the Urantia Foundation is the conservator; the Urantia Brotherhood is the promoter, acting under the egis of the Foundation. Therefore, though Urantia Foundation and Urantia Brotherhood work closely together they are two distinct and separate organizations, with different responsibilities, duties, and prerogatives.


Since the Foundation holds national and international copyrights — as well as symbol and trademark registrations — it is the exclusive prerogative of the Trustees to grant permission to reproduce, reprint, translate, and publish, all, o any part of, the Urantia Book.


The Trustees of the Urantia Foundation have been and continue to be keenly interested in securing quality translations of the Urantia Book into other languages to facilitate the spread of the Urantia revelation in other countries. We are slowly working toward that end. The Urantia Book has already been trans¬lated into French, and as a result' the Urantia Book is now available in the two international tongues of the world. Moreover, we have granted permission to certain responsible individuals in Finland, who have demonstrated their willing¬ness to cooperate with the Trustees, to translate the book into the Finnish language to aid the development of a very active study group in Helsinki.

So that each translation will be a faithful representation of the Urantia teachings, the Trustees of the Urantia Foundation must have control over and unrestricted access to any translator. Some proposals have been made for trans¬lations but with strings attached. Be assured that the Trustees will not abdicate their responsibilities of supervising every detail and aspect of any translation. Fretting impatience for a proliferation of translations with no assurance as to their genuineness or quality is not at all consistent with the deliberate rhythms of our unseen friends who view the long term as the important one. An unworthy translation is worse than none.

Paperback Version of the Urantia Book;

The Trustees of the Urantia Foundation have consulted a prominent publisher in the matter of using cheaper paper and binding for the purpose of lowering the price of the book. The publisher reported that paper about twice as heavy as that now used would be needed for the gluing process currently employed for paperbacks. The resultant product would resemble a slightly shorter and narrower, but thicker, Chicago telephone directory. Even if the increased size would make no difference, such a book would not be as durable as the present volume, and as many people purchase their copy of the Urantia Book for a lifetime of heavy usage, the paperback alternative would not be a desirable one. It has been suggested that the book be broken into two or more parts but this would negate the money-saving aspect. Moreover, the Urantia Book is meant to be treated and studied as a meaning-Cul whole. Therefore, whenever possible we will maintain the single volume in accordance with the wishes of our unseen friends.

This fifth epochal revelation on Urantia should be packaged in a manner consistent with its noble message.


The Index is nearing completion and will be an excellent reference aid when completed at an indefinite time in the future. As we are preparing for a third printing of the Urantia Book the Index must take a subordinate priority.

Financial Status;

The Urantia Foundation continues to be the primary fund-raising agency for the reprinting, translating, and publishing of the Urantia Book. The Trustees have sponsored fund drives for the first two printings of the book, and expect to begin solicitation for the third printing which is scheduled to commence immediately. This third printing will cost approximately $72,000.00 per 10,000. We may decide to enlarge the quantity.

We must also continue to interest people of means who will be able and willing to provide funds for translations and other such undertakings.

Urantia Books are sold at cost to the Urantia Brotherhood which acts as our sales agent. Most of the sales receipts, along with money received as bequests and special gifts, is still on our books. It has helped with the financial growth which every foundation must have.

Contributions received in the annual fund drives have never equaled our annual operating expenses. In the future, special printing fund drives could be eliminated when our annual contributions, bequests, and other endowments become sufficient.

(Financial statement of Urantia Foundation for the year 1969 is available upon request.)

Real Estate;

Urantia Foundation now owns the building at 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, Illinois. The title passed to the Foundation under the Will of the late Dr. William S. Sadler. There are no plans to move Urantia headquarters in the foreseeable future.

Our Trials;

Our most trying experience today is, as we have long since been warned, dealing with "many strange isms and queer groups which will seek to attach them¬selves to the Urantia Book and its far-flung influence. Your most trying experiences will be with such groups who will so loudly acclaim their belief in the teachings of the book and who will so persistently seek to attach themselves to the movement. Great wisdom will be required to guard the distracting and distorting influence of these multifarious groups and from equally distracting and disturbing individuals, some well intentioned and some sinister, who will strive to become a part of the authentic constituency of the Urantia movement."

The Trustees of Urantia Foundation continue to invite suggestions from individual Urantia believers. Of course, the final decision on any action to be taken rests solely with the Trustees:

William M. Hales, President
Thomas A. Kendall, Vice-President
E. L. Christensen, Secretary
Edith E. Cook, Treasurer and Asst. Secretary
Kenton E. Stephens, Asst. Treasurer

TAK-ELC July 1970